License Options

Single User License (Electronic Copy) - Usage by a single individual is permitted using the original CD-ROM medium – an electronic copy of the report may be made for back-up purposes and a copy may be made onto a single office personal computer or a single laptop computer provided these are intended for use by the individual and that the content is not made available via the company network.  Access should not be made available to other third parties. A single hard copy (paper copy) may be made and used within the organisation; it is a condition of the license that the individual/department responsible for purchase shall keep a record of usage of such a copy by individuals within the organisation and that a copy of this record be made available to WTIS Ltd on request. 

Multi-User License (Electronic Copy) – Up to 5 electronic copies of the report may be made for use by individuals directly employed by the purchasing organisation – an electronic copy may also be made by the individual responsible for purchase for back-up purposes. Access should not be made available to contractors, suppliers, consultants, customers or other third parties. Multiple hard copies (paper copies) may be made and used within the organisation up to a maximum of 5 copies; it is a condition of the license that the individual responsible for purchase shall keep a record of such copies, that each be numbered and their usage recorded, and that a copy of this record be made available to WTIS Ltd on request. 

Corporate License (Electronic Copy) - Multiple electronic copies of the report may be made for use by individuals directly employed by the purchasing organisation. Access should not be made available to contractors, suppliers, customers or other third parties, except as specified below (Usage for Consultancy Activities). A copy of the report may also be stored on the company Intranet and made available for unrestricted company-wide access. Multiple hard copies (paper copies) may be made and used within the organisation; recording of usage requirements do not apply. 

Usage for Consultancy Activities - Usage of material contained in this report within the context of undertaking consultancy assignments for third parties is permitted provided the report either has been licensed by the Consultant or his Client has a Corporate User license. Where the report is used for such purposes appropriate Acknowledgement, in prescribed form, shall appear prominently at the start of all reports and presentations from such work.

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Last modified: Tuesday January 04, 2005.

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