This page kindly sponsored by
Siemens, Global Market Leader in DECT Cordless Phones

Market Leader in Residential DECT Telephony

Residential Domestic Cordless Phones

Listed one these pages, by manufacturer, is a comprehensive range of DECT cordless telephone products aimed at the residential market.  Fuller details may be found by clicking on the hyperlinks to go the original source material.  If you know of a manufacturer or product we've left out, please send us details so we can improve these pages.  Thanks

Rather than make it take an age for this site to download, and duplicate what is already elsewhere on the web, we are not including photographs of DECT phones on these pages.  For those interested in the aesthetics, a compilation of early DECT handset photos may be found at the in the DECT Forum area.  Also below we have included some links to product photos on the manufacturers own websites.

Product launch dates are indicated where known. Note that products for the European DECT market are often launched to coincide with the major relevant trade German fairs, such as CeBIT (March) or IFA (September).

Almost all DECT products are now GAP compatible, as earlier models are superceded.  Pretty much all  manufacturers have migrated their product ranges to GAP, thus the lack of a GAP compatible model in these pages is most likely to be due to the table not containing the latest information.

Look by Manufacturer:

A-G   H-P  Q-Z